When will the Fatal Worship of Political Correctness ever End?!

Jones saying you should sign some form saying you have nothing dark in your past  -is ludicrous  –I would not vote for anyone claiming they are perfect  -just not very many of those folks around.

When Trump and Carson -or anyone -doubles down to the leftist America of Political Correctness -and holds their ground  -just really refreshing and new -and gives America some character!

H Clinton spends $ Millions every day -trying to tweak the most pc policy for America -has nothing to do with what is good for America  –everything to do with taking bribes -and a worship of power for democrats -and assuring the Mexican gov will be in charge of America very soon.

Is it possible that the 2 most Not-PC Guys   -will be the next President and Vice President?   Not being PC is the reason Trump/Carson have the love of any American -with a spine.   Carly Fiorina is not so bad either -makes h Clinton look like the anti-American soul-less -any lie for a vote  -a real contrast in smart and heart -to make America great.






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