J Kerry, B Obama, H Clinton, B Sanders -are the biggest traitors to America in American history

Iranians kidnapping an American navy vessel, holding American sailors at gunpoint  -all for propaganda purposes -to show America is weak, stupid, and cowardly.   And these bastard democrats bragging about the wonderful dialogue between Iran and America….

With Obama/hClinton/jKerry in charge -America has no military  -our military is in Benghazi afraid to engage mode -even when Americans are under attack.

The 2016 democrats have been spitting in the face of the American soldier for 7 years now.  Iran getting $150B and continuing to develop nuclear weapon material  –while there has been ZERO change in the commitment/religion to destroy America and Israel, ZERO commitment in the way Muslims treat women as property, ZERO commitment for Iran to back off one iota of the chaos and terrorism Iran is responsible for.

If our Commander in Chief is giving weapons to sailors & then telling them to not use those weapons when engaged  -it is time to impeach this Obama crew -and the Generals and Admirals that are not speaking out.
Our sailors should never ever never give up their weapons and their ship  -they should have a backup of all of America  -or they should not be in harm’s way in the first place.

I understand Obama helping Islamic terrorists -Obama is a Muslim that believes in jihad.  But Kerry, Clinton, Biden, Sanders, -these guys are just lock-step   –whatever is good for the democrat party -and keeps pay for play from the rich left going strong  -pretty much the character of the 2016 democrat.

btw Mr Obama,  –Gitmo is not a recruitment tool for Isis,   –No, the biggest recruitment motivation for Isis is Barack Hussein Obama.

and, when the commander in chief & his lock-step bitches like Biden and Pelosi -have no respect or understanding of the Honor and Respect that Americans have for the American Soldier  -it’s time for democrats to step down -and let some real Americans give it a shot.






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