Breaking: Calls for Madonna’s Arrest from Gingrich and Clarke

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is calling for Madonna to be arrested for her threats against President Trump. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke also commented on CNN that Madonna should get a visit from the FBI.

Newt Gingrich agrees with most sane Americans – Madonna should not get away with issuing a threat against a United States President. Especially Donald J. Trump that has endured enough bashing from the Media and minorities. Would Trump ever make a threat like this against Hillary? No. So how does Madonna get away with her metaphors and fantasies of taking out our White House.

If you or I admitted to hundreds of thousands of people that we’re “thinking about” BLOWING UP the White House, we’d be in deep trouble. Just think of the Muslims who are thinking this stuff on a daily basis.

“She is parallel to the young fascists who ran around town breaking windows, all of whom should be given the maximum sentence,” Newt Gingrich said when calling for Madonna to be arrested during an interview with Fox News. “What you have is an emerging left-wing fascism — she’s part of it, and I think we have to be prepared to protect ourselves.”

During the so-called “Women’s March” on Washington, D.C. on Saturday, Madonna said she had thought many times about blowing up the White House, the Washington Examiner reports.

Not only did Madonna Ciccone make violent threats towards the White House she put out a Tweet that said to “F*ck Donald Trump. F*ck the Secret Service.”. These have not been confirmed by Twitter but they have been spread by conservative fact checkers and pundits who are experts.

To make things worse she aired live on MSNBC and CNN cursing and dropping F-Bombs that children could hear from state to state. The news networks were in disbelief that the HOLLYWOOD CELEB would curse. We call for Madonna to be fined and jailed for her remarks on TV and cursing on Live TV. President Donald J. Trump has yet to comment directly on the issue and we will keep you advised.



