hClinton import of .5Million refugees will cause mass killing at major Football games or Rock Concerts!

The crowning jewel for the Islamic Radical is to take out America.  And here Obama gets paid to do it -plus the worship and lock-step following of democrats and left media.

All Obama needs is to import 10,000 Syrian refugees -98% will be Islamic Muslims, -maybe 10 to 30% will be radical Islamic punks who may or may not -even be refugees. 

They will set up cells recruiting Muslims that are already here -and the Paris attacks will be at every college football game, every nfl game, every concert, every happening of people packed into an area. So enjoy your super bowl and college playoffs this year, -because before the end of 2016 -there won’t be any more.

Funny G Beck, Fox, CNN, Krauthammer, American military, American Intel operators, -whoever  –it’s not Obama’s incompetence  -or the proven fact Obama is psychopath hater of America -the Obama track record also shows a relentless drive for Islamic radical Muslims to destroy the world.  The proof is there for all to see.

h, Obama called the Paris attack a “setback”.  Obama was upset that more of his Islamic radical brothers were getting killed than he would prefer. Obama got his training in life from haters of America -20 years with rev wright, al sharpton, etc.  The early childhood and family Muslim ties must have inserted the Islamic religion.

  No one can read one’s heart, -but the record of 7 years of Obama pushing chaos, controversy, divide, hate cards, -is it’s own proof.  And Obama is the world’s most gifted liar.  -which is made easy with the worship and lock-step following of left media and democrats.

h Clinton -what a da clown -can’t say “Islamic Radical”, -thinks climate change is the world’s biggest problem!

Obama says un-American to not bring in thousands of Muslims to America -or to just bring in Christians  -the leftist channels of hate (cnn, msnbc, etc) are horse-laughing that one up -what could possibly go wrong with 10,000 Islamic Muslims from Syria?  So Obama mocks republicans for suggesting to just bring in Christians refugees –while Obama has ordered America to bring in ONLY Islamic Muslims (less than 2% of all the refugees Obama is bringing in will be anything but Islamic Muslims).

Well here is the deal:  import 1 Christian for every Muslim  -of course Obama ain’t agreeing to that -Obama hates Christians.  But that would suit me just fine  -import 1 Christian Muslim for every Islamic Muslim, -there  -problem solved!!

How about making the new immigration policy fair:  1 Hispanic, 1 Asian,  1 Christian, and then 1 Muslim,  -you get the picture,

Of course Hispanic are not refugees  -just folks who have destroyed their home countries (drug cartels, gov corruption, poverty)  -and now get the opportunity to take over America -and get paid by democrats to take over a whole country –stand up if you are for sanctuary cities!!

  Of course, the Hispanic are in no rush, 20% of the voting population in 2015 & are the fastest growing part of the voting population  -shoot, -Two of the republican candidates are Hispanic.  Anyway, you get it.






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