Nuclear Triad was never accurate, so many more ways to deliver nuclear weapons!

Planes, silos, and subs are out there, -but Russia/China/ and others -have been developing miniaturized nuclear tipped weapons for decades.

Miniaturization to pack in small packages and easily disguisable, drones, robot vehicles, robot boats, robot/or manned  -boats that can take out half the American navy (more navy ships is not the answer, -ships are a liability in a time of war -since the year 2000), shoulder missiles, backpacks, …

With the $150B passed on to Iran by democrats  -Iran can just buy a weapon and the terrorists -to deliver  -and America will not even know who did it -with the politically correct democrats running the show.

The phrase “nuclear triad” of planes, silos, and subs   -is wrong -and just not smart  -too many other ways to deliver nuclear weapons.   The beauty of a bought nuclear weapon -is America goes down -and can’t even figure out who sent the weapon.






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