Pelosi destroyed any chance of Taiwan Freedom, China Hypersonic Missiles are superior to what we have -who will give America Natl Security?

Good video on real threats to America -not the lies of the Biden/Obama crew, all Democrats, and a third of the Republicans.  China already has a larger more modern navy than America -and China lives there  –America is no threat to fight China over Taiwan.  Pelosi poking a bear in the eye for political gain makes Pelosi a scum excuse for an American –OR Pelosi Would Not Be Leading The Democrat’s Cutting Our Military Budget 2 Years In A Row And Spending A Large % Of It Teaching Our Military To Be Woke And Weak, -our Military and our Police can’t recruit -because no one who is patriotic would sign up to work for Biden/Obama in our Military or our government

We all see Biden is China’s bitch
(+China Virus, +gave away Afghanistan to the radical Islam who committed 9-11 and now have a whole country to bring h on America with thousands of assets in America from the “only Taliban vetted Afghan airlift” and the open border, +Biden gave away Ukraine -when weapons before Putin invaded would have prevented that war, +destroying American energy so America can’t compete in the world, +claiming job creation when the only Biden jobs were replacement jobs from those jobs lost during the China Virus shutdown -Democrats claiming a record recovery are lying, …)

And we all see Obama is Iran’s bitch
(+the Iran nuclear deal in 2014 and again in 2022 is just an excuse to drop all sanctions against Iran and Russia, +Obama and Holder spent 8 years saying Police are racists and America is racist -and still today Democrats keep repeating the lie, +Benghazi –getting 4 Americans killed so Obama would be re-elected, +Obama created Isis by ignoring Isis as they took over a third of Iraq, +Obama complained when Trump took out Isis, and when Trump took out Soleimani and Al Baghdadi -Soleimani was the Iran general responsible for killing and critically injuring over a thousand US Soldiers, +Obama lives in Washington to run America into the ground -no one lives in Washington for fun. +China directed Biden to kick America out of Afghanistan because we had military bases and Intel Assets 100 miles from where China makes nuclear weapons. +Obama Traded 5 Gitmo Terrorists For Bergdahl and 4/5 are in charge of Afghanistan today, +Obama brought in a #traitor (Bergdahl) to sing praises to radical Islam at the WH with Susan Rice calling Bergdahl a hero, +Obama watched Christians be-headed and slaughtered and never called them Christians -and never called the murderers by their name (radical Islam), +Obama ordered the stand down of a navy military vessel with Iran treating Navy Sailors like dogs in a photo op for Iran, +Obama sent plane loads of cash to Iran (Hamas and other terrorists) as a bribe for Iran to sign a sham nuclear agreement in 2015. +Obama weaponized the IRS: Lois Lerner got $125K bonus and full retirement of $220K/year for pleading the 5th to –stopping Tea Party and other Republican groups from fund raising, +Obama gave blankets (zero weapons) to Ukraine as Russia took Crimea in 2014, +Obama Did Nothing as Russia and Iran killed half a Million citizens in Syria in 2015 forcing radical Islam migrants all over Europe, +China was even more successful in Afghanistan -getting Biden to air lift 120,000 radical Islam directly to America (how many of these Taliban vetted radical Islam will end up killing Americans? 5%? 10%?). +Obama in 2008 said Police are racists and started all the assassinations and hate and divide on Police, +Obama betrayed Veterans with court martials of American Soldiers for service during war-time, +In2021 the 3rd Obama term gave us the #Biden Afghanistan Surrender resulting in 120,000 Afghans (vetted only by the Taliban) air lifted to America -the obvious successful intention of the Taliban was to get thousands of radical Islam ASSETS in America to carry out terrorist attacks, …)

Democrats and a third of the Republicans are not standing up for a warp speed effort to catch up with the Chinese Hypersonic Nuclear Weapons -that should be your first concern today -not inflation, the border, energy prices, climate, abortions, Biden losing 2 wars in 18 months, –whatever.

The Chinese, Russian, Cuban, –forces are taking over critical areas of Mexico, Central America, Panama Canal, S America  -America Takes In Millions Of Illegals From These Places & Never Asks These Countries For A Damn Thing In Return -How About Asking These Socialist Mooching Countries To Stand Up To Selling Out Their Governments, Schools, And Businesses To China, Russia, & Cuba? 
Just How Do You Think Venezuela Has Now Turned Into An Arm Of Russia/Cuba? 

And the same goes for Europe -when Russia gets all the coal and natural gas Ukraine has -then Europe will be 90% dependent on Russia -then Europe is no longer an ally to America -this is not complicated.  These Mooching Countries In Europe Need To Get Behind Ukraine And Send Russia Home –Instead Of Hiding Behind America And Electing Climate Liars To Only Get Natural Gas From Russia.

Of course, Democrats And A Third Of Republicans Are Funding The Chinese Running Our Government, Schools, And Businesses –Democrats and a third of the Republicans are traitors, climate liars, racists, -and just plain have no character