This China Virus was created by China.  China knew their economy would be hard hit with this Virus  -so China decided to level the playing field with the rest of the world:  China stopped all travel out of the Wuhan region –& at the same time opened up travel out of Wuhan to all of the world.  In perfect harmony with China –the World Health Organization (controlled by China -as pretty much all global organizations are) lied about the human to human transmission of this Virus.  And you have the long list of the super-rich like Bill Gates that love their power more than life –that STILL defend China and the WHO –even as China and the WHO are killing hundreds of thousands all over the world –FOR NOTHING.  All PREVENTABLE –just by the evil leaders of China -or the WHO –just being honest.  OR all preventable by vetting at the border anytime there is someone coming into America as a student, illegal, legal, tourist, vacation, whatever –and there would be ZERO virus in America today.  Did you know there were 360,000 Chinese students in America in 2019?  The testing for disease at the border is easy and gets easier every day –but as long as anyone votes as a puppet for the dem-media-establishment –no chance of keeping our country.  It was the democrats calling Pres Trump a racist for shutting down China on the last day of January –of course democrats call anyone a racist that is not in the party line.
     China saw a way to take down the world –all for the advantage of China –and it was so easy  –destroy American Life and American Freedoms –all for China to move closer to world domination.
     The Chinese are very smart –not that it takes much to dupe the American democrat-establishment-media propaganda machine  -so easy.  All it takes to dupe a global organization is to pay a few $Million to the corrupt sick bosses –like the WHO –and bam!  –China has control of these low life puppets.   So much cheaper for China to contribute 40M while America pays 400M –and control the bosses!  Which is the same way China controls the leftist propaganda machine in America and the world. 
     And there you see where the democrat obsession with globalism gets you!  Climate change, nuclear treaties, etc –all designed to hurt American Business and National Security –guess the democrat actually thinks China or Russia or Iran is gonna cut back their advantages in economic and military competition with some treaty?  –amazing ignorance.
     Why does CNN, MSNBC, the networks, etc,  -write every minute headlines of lies and hate?  Because the Trump movement is a threat –no one, no party, no group –has ever had the spine and the following -to stand against the world order spun by socialist dictators.  It was no coincidence that China controls all of the medical supplies, the medicine, etc –for the world.  It was no coincidence that Russia-Saudi Arabia-Iran got together (even though they hate each other) to pump more oil than the world could handle –all designed to destroy American Energy –and it was so easy!  With Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Cuomo, Biden, Amazon, Netflix, etc –all carrying the flag for socialism –just very easy to brainwash America.  And the obvious backers of Iran and Hamas, and radical Islam anywhere –Omar, Cortez, Tlaib, and Pressley –who support Iran and all the terrorist groups that have been killing American Soldiers for the last 40 years –what the hell makes an American vote for someone that hates America and Freedom?
     And all the soros-bloomberg money that pushed dems to take over the House in 2018 -with puppets like Kendra Horn who barely won an election -against a veteran.  Horn stands for nothing –but to puppet the wishes of leftist haters of America who provide her finances.  Nothing on the Horn website shows any commitment on major issues –like Horn voting for sanctuary cities, voting for spending $Millions to impeach our elected President, Horn votes for open borders with health care for anyone that enters, Horn votes to hold up the extension of funds for small business, Horn votes to de-fund American Military, –but Horn promises to raise your income by 25% –as promised by every politician since the beginning of time!!  Horn was part of the group holding up the financial package for 2 weeks while democrats added in the Kennedy Center, PBS, Natl Foundation for the Arts and Humanities, etc, -–ZERO to do with fighting the China-created-virus! 
     The Horn-Pelosi-Schumer democrats just held up the extension of the small business bill for 2 weeks!  How does an Oklahoman vote for someone like Horn that votes against Oklahoma Oil and Gas? –like getting stabbed in the back by your neighbor.  The democrats hating on carbon fuel destroys incomes, jobs, savings, -the future of America.
     Noticed Dem Mayor De Blasio has made up a “snitch line” to catch folks in violation of his rules –as have many democrats  –sort of a cool way to ticket folks for going to Church or the park, or not wearing a mask, etc, -who votes for these people?  Dem Gov Cuomo says “God did Nothing to make the death totals go down”  –sad when a politician’s head gets so big that he thinks he is God.
     Democrat Debbie Dingell says Michigan protesters were carrying swastika signs  -normal for Dingell to be a hate liar  -the only hate flag that was ever at a conservative protest -was funded and planted by Dingell and Soros money.
     Just how smart are democrats and media?  In Las Vegas on Feb 19 was a democrat pres debate.  None of the candidates raised the Coronavirus issue, -and neither did the NBC News/MSNBC moderators.  Which tells you all you need to know about how smart democrats and 95% of media is.
     China did come up, but only in connection with climate change. How the h does someone vote for the democrat obsession with always claiming “climate change is the biggest threat to America”?  Of course, that bs may not come up quite as often until 2022 when a cure for this Virus comes along!
     All take care & Yea for summer!  Loved the hail storm today  -part blue sky, sun, rainbows, big hail bouncing off the ground, small hail covering the ground for a few minutes, 75 degrees!  May this summer and everyone getting outside help us beat this Virus!!!!



