Dems propose Natl Emer to make sure the murder of a Million kids/yr is not threatened or hampered with in any way!!

Democrats are proposing a “National Emergency” to make sure the murder of a Million Children every year is not threatened or hampered with in any way!!
    According to Democrats -the man has ZERO say in a woman getting an abortion –even though the man is 50% responsible for every person on the planet.
    A beating heart does not matter to Democrats, -the fact a child at conception is fighting for its life -from that day and then on -but this child according to Democrats has ZERO rights until it is crying.  Actually, the child has a heartbeat at 6 weeks and feels pain at 20 weeks.
    #Incest: There are undercover videos of an older man taking a young woman into an abortion clinic and the abortion is scheduled with no questions asked.  We are not doing the girl a favor by aborting her baby and sending the girl back into the home where the incest has occurred.  The girl will be violated again and again.  Part of the problem are Democrats like Ketanji Brown -big on no bail, no jail, and reduced sentences –including sex offenders.  Democrat SC Justice Ketanji Brown is so #StupidWoke she testified “she did not know what a woman was, -she was not a biologist”!
    The CDC shows 8% (80,000) abortions come from women who are on their 3rd or more abortion (the definition of using abortion as birth control).  Many women and men just need fixed.
    Democrats scream “women’s rights” and then mandate vaccines all over America -just recently over 100,000 military had their pay stopped for not getting the experimental China virus vaccine –pretty sure that would be taking away the rights of over 15,000 women.
    Democrats passing laws to allow men to compete in women’s sports and going in women’s locker rooms and bathrooms is just stupid and sick.  And Democrats care about women’s rights?
    CRT being taught everywhere including our Military and schools -teaching kids to hate their Parents and their Country!  -how sick is that?  Pretty sure many Parents are women!  It’s not up to the Democrats in gov to teach kids to hate their Parents or teach kids to try out all possible sexual orientations -bad enough the cartoons have all gone sick woke.
    Biden/Obama don’t give 1 damn about women’s rights -Democrats are masters of running on issues that intentionally cause hate and divide:  +Abortion,  +NoBail, No Jail,  +Open Border,  +Jan 6 N Korea style hearings with the accused having no voice,  +Biden Afghanistan Surrender killing Americans and leaving behind Americans and those who helped us,  +Putin Russia is making more money (over $1Billion/day!!) selling oil while Biden/Obama buys oil from Iran, the Mideast, and Venezuela.  The Russian slaughter in Ukraine includes about 20M women who have lost their husbands, their homes -all of their rights!! 
    Democrats are totally funding inflation in America & the Russian slaughter of Ukrainians –by blocking tens of thousands of leases, permits, and pipelines here in America!!