How to end the Putin slaughter of Ukrainians!!

All of this could end today!! An Alliance of many countries including NATO and America must immediately declare half of Ukraine as being part of NATO (all of Ukraine west of the Dnieper River).
This would stop the suffering of Millions of refugees, stop the artillery shelling and killing of thousands of civilians, give Ukraine hope -and declare to the world that some of us can’t just stand by and watch the slaughter of thousands whose only crime was living in peace.

   This would stop the Putin killing west of the river and give Putin room to continue the Russian slaughter east of the river -and west of Crimea in the Black Sea (with all of those natural gas reserves and the only warm water port Russia  has). Putin saves face & America gets a spine. This Biden/Obama crew are the most lying evil lot in the history of the world.
    This bs “Ukraine is not a NATO country!” so we get to cowardly hide –NO! To watch a peaceful unarmed neighbor being slaughtered by Putin either brings you to fight or bow down to evil –we can see you, God can see you.

     Zelenskyy sees his people being slaughtered and is offering all kinds of compromise –the media lied about Ukraine having a chance –an unarmed Ukraine can’t fight the overwhelming Russian military and evil shelling of civilians. Ukraine fights with nothing –while Biden/Obama bow down to evil –it’s the whole world looking the other way and buying oil from Russia, Iran, and Venezuela -and funding Russia by letting China control all manufacturing and rare earth elements for all of the world.

Ukrainian emergency employees and volunteers carry an injured pregnant woman from the damaged by shelling maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 9, 2022.  (AP)

