Iran sending missiles/ drones at Israel

4/13/24 Iran attacks Israel directly. So the bastards of this Obama 3rd Term funding of Iran with $200B keeps paying off –Trump had Iran bankrupt when the Obama Biden thugs took over. Trump had passed the Abraham Accords -bringing long lasting peace to the Mideast and the World. Iranian missiles and drones were coming from Iran, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq -a direct result of the Obama Biden Iran First/ Islam First policy -EVERY decision since Jan 2021 has been hate on America and our Allies.
Shooting down Iranian missiles helps Iran -the US is using a $2Million Dollar missile to shoot down a $500 Iranian drone!! Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis -have 100x as many drones and missiles as we have $2Million Dollar missiles -do the math! The world continues to crumble as this Obama 3rd Term grovels at the feet of evil on every issue facing Americans.
This Obama Biden 3rd Term has told Iran the SAME THING THEY TOLD THE AFGHANISTAN ISLAM and PUTIN IN UKRAINE: You have a FREE PASS! Until you start sinking US Carrier Ships -the Biden Obama crew promises to “Stand Down!”
1) There was ZERO US retaliation for killing our Soldiers in Afghanistan -and leaving behind to be tortured Americans and Afghans who had helped us for 20 years. And ZERO of these bastards of this Obama Biden crew were held accountable.
2) There was ZERO US retaliation for Putin invading Ukraine -easily prevented if Obama had sent weapons to Ukraine when Putin took Crimea in 2014 OR again in 2022 before the announced invasion by Putin!
3) There was ZERO US retaliation for Hamas and Gaza Palestinians killing/ torturing/ raping/ celebrating placing babies in ovens in front of their parents -over 1200 dead -killed by SICK EVIL ISLAM ANIMALS -most of Islam teaches the highest honor is to kill Americans and Israelis -if that fact makes you upset -take your dumb self and move to Afghanistan or Iran for a couple of months where you can grow up.

Although we have hope for Islam countries -Afghans sure wanted to get out as Obama Biden FORCED the whole country under the rule of Islam Slavery. And Jordan did shoot down some of the Iranian Missiles.

When Israel was our ally -before Obama in 2008 -America would have destroyed Iran’s missile, drone, and nuclear facilities on Oct 7, 2023. This groveling at the feet of evil -can only be explained by this Obama crew being ISLAM FIRST AND IRAN FIRST in all decisions.

And of course many Obama Democrats tell you America is racist and must be destroyed and rebuilt with a dictatorship that rules with an iron hand of Government -such as spying on Trump since 2015, destroyed elections with Mail Out Ballots, and destroyed free speech with Control Of Our Media.

The hoax of Jan 6, 2021 was obvious -the protesters had ZERO weapons -Capitol Police were taking down barriers and HELPING protesters take a tour of the Capitol! The only weapon fired -was by Michael Byrd who was disguised in street clothes, hiding behind a column, killed an unarmed woman Veteran on the other side of a barricaded door -and then got on the radio to scream “shots fired” -this self proclaimed black supremacist thug should have been executed for murder.

+Expect a lot more of our world to fall apart until these bastards of this Obama 3rd Term are removed from power. Iran/ Russia/ China/ N Korea are just playing -testing their missiles to see what works -they know they have a FREE PASS until the day they decide to take out America with hypersonic weapons -which they have and we don’t.
They laugh at the DEIHA (DEI Hate America) Obama Democrats who are in charge of our Gov, Military, and Media. +Every day that passes -this Obama Biden 3rd Term crew and the Democrat Media lie more and hate more, -and will CAUSE Nuclear War before giving up their power!