Keith Ellison in Minnesota (who just restricted the Pres Trump rally to 250) -is the same Ellison that hid the videos at George Floyd’s death for 3 months.

Keith Ellison in Minnesota (who just restricted the Pres Trump rally to 250) -is the same Ellison that hid the videos at George Floyd’s death for 3 months.  The intentional hiding of the Floyd videos by Democrat Prosecutor Ellison is evil –caused killing, looting, arson, -for over 3 months.  The evidence hid by Democrats included Floyd on a deadly over-dose of Fentanyl, several minutes of the Police talking with Floyd –then BEGGING Floyd to get in the back seat of the Police car, and Floyd at times in a super-strength explosion to stay out of the Police car –Floyd flopped himself on the ground to keep from getting in the Police car -going to the concrete was Floyd’s choice.  The complaining of not being able to breathe happened BEFORE Floyd was on the concrete –as well as when he was on the concrete.  Justice never happens with mob rule –mob rule is the Democrat-Media Justice instead of Police and Law and Order.  What happened with Floyd could be a lot of things –but one thing it was not –racist.
   I am weary of these Police Hating Democrats and their Democrat Media getting Law Enforcement Officers assassinated every week –two were just shot in New Orleans and one in Houston.  A Biden win is a couple of days would be the end of Our Police and Law and Order –the end of America.

At 5:10 is outside the Minnesota Rally 10/30/20 in the above video.