McCarthy Bill is BS -Giving Away the ONLY LEVERAGE We Have To Stop This Obvious Destruction of America

McCarthy bill is BS -giving away the only LEVERAGE we have to stop this Destruction of America by the Obama Biden crew 2008-2016 and 2020-2024. The new McCarthy bill was a Democrat bill to begin with -and is now even worse -allows Democrats to spend a $Trillion more than the $4.7T that we take in and conservatives get NOTHING. McCarthy’s bill is a shell game claiming some temporary slowdown of spending by 1% is a victory.

Every decision by the Obama Biden thugs has been to destroy America: Afghanistan, Open Border, Mail-Out Balloting, Ukraine, Weaponized Gov, Chinese spy balloon mapping our missile silos, B2 bomber locations, underground electronics, -this whole Obama Biden crew is deserving of a bullet in their left eye for TREASON. Why the h would you pass a debt increase so these lying scum can destroy America at a faster rate for the next 2 years?

The McCarthy bill does: +ZERO to slow down spending (to slow down
spending by 1% is bs), +ZERO to build up our Military -China has hypersonic nuclear missiles, planes, drones, -with a 10 year advantage over America –China
is the master of the world while this Obama Biden crew is sending Drag Queen Ambassadors to foreign countries, +ZERO to stop the Dem Open Border, +Zero to bring back legitimate elections: Paper Ballots on Sat, Sun, Mon, & Tues. PERIOD.

This is Memorial Day and no one gives one damn about standing up and fighting for the values our Veterans gave us: God, America, & Freedom. We IMMEDIATELY HAVE A BALANCED BUDGET by taking back 20% of the $7T Democrats spent for the Climate Liar Cult & you still have $Money left over!!

There is no DEFAULT -they are all lying. Washington just does not want to do the work to cut spending -because they are controlled by: +Wall Street, +the establishment like Ron DeSantis, Liz Cheney, Bush, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, +the radical Islam like Obama and Susan Rice who always put Iran and the Mideast ahead of America, +GREED plays a big role: Rice is worth $50M today and Obama $200M, & the Biden family are Chinese Whores.

The US Gov has $4.71T of revenue coming in and has no damn business spending more than $4.71T -just take back some of the $7T spent by Democrats in the last 2 years for Green and Woke!! 

These folks on FB and other social media claiming they support Veterans on Memorial Day and never speak out about the evil running America today are a sad lot.


