Mexico is Invading America

Mexico is Invading America
The average so far in 2019 is 2,740 illegals per day coming into America –If that is not an invasion by Mexico, -then you really have a bad agenda going on!

btw, the 1 Million illegals coming into America in 2019 -number being projected -is based on apprehensions -meaning the true number of illegals entering in 2019 -is more likely to be 2 or 3 Million.

Mexico rakes in $Billions because of illegals coming into America –especially thru drug cartels –the human trafficking, the drug and crime networks set up all over America, etc. 

And why not?  As Mexico and Central America take over the US, -American judges, politicians, law enforcement, etc –are taken over by drug cartels and will rule for Mexico and drug cartels -to keep their families from being tortured and killed –American wealth ends up moving to Mexico and run by socialist dictators –all in line with the hate Trump media propaganda that continues to support slavery by Mexico, China, India, Iran, Russia, N Korea, all Central American countries, Venezuela, etc.

Democrats comparing the American citizen Hispanic population in the US to all American citizens for crime –is 100% race baiting propaganda.
The fact is illegals account for violent crime at a rate 3 times that of American citizens –any other comparison other than to illegals is racist hate media at work.



