no Benghazi. But it makes me wonder if the Democrat voters will call for another Article of Impeachment because we got one of their leaders…

This certainly is no Benghazi. But it makes me wonder if the Democrat voters will call for another Article of Impeachment because we got one of their leaders…

Democrats bowing down to praying for radical Islam over America –is getting a bit old.  No way in h the democrats could know of any military operation without the enemy knowing –and the operation being a disaster.  The talking heads bashing this action are haters of America and our soldiers that have given us freedom for 200 years.

To be against killing a thug that has killed hundreds of American soldiers shows you are too ignorant -or too full of hate on America -to be worthy of America. 
Iran had been given Iraq by Obama-Biden:  a sham nuclear agreement with no inspection of any of the underground military facilities, lifting of sanctions that had many countries involved, surrender of an American naval military vessel with Iran treating our sailors like dogs, Iran has armed Hezbollah to attack Israel for decades, ….

The democrat love affair with Iran by Obama-Biden paying cash for Iran to sponsor terrorism, giving up terrorists for a radical Islam traitor, looking the other way as Iran killed half a million citizens in Syria, Obama-Biden looking the other way for 13 hours during an attack on Americans in Benghazi, Obama-Biden looking the other way as Isis took over a third of Iraq, … 

And now Democrats wants Trump and Pompeo to expose all American confidential information and sources –as to how, when, where, and why –this Iranian thug was removed  -Democrats bowing down to radical Islam is getting a bit old.




