Pelosi passes $3T bill with 1 GOAL -give Dems in Trump states a chance to lie about being moderate democrats!

Kendra Horn gets National Free Advertising with clever move by Pelosi passing $3T bill that had no chance of passing -REALLY ONLY HAD 1 GOAL –to let the dems like Horn lie one more time about being moderates.
Kendra Horn is a liar. Horn has NO intention to support good gov policy. Horn is lying with every word. The same day as the $3T bill –Horn voted for “proxy voting” in the House -proxy vote means 1 person can represent 20 members of congress -violates the Constitution and just creates more vacation time than work for democrats. Horn is a proven liar -even on the same day. Horn claims to be moderate, but when any vote is up that will pass and force hell on Americans –Horn will vote 100% with the Pelosi democrats in their normal mob 100% democrat vote –just as they voted with a 100% vote to impeach Pres Trump based on NOTHING.
Pelosi passes $3T bill so House Democrats in Pres Trump country can fake being moderates one more time! Horn says she opposes the Pelosi $3T for pork and gov controls. Horn is losing in polls to win the seat she won with $Millions of soros-bloomberg money -so Pelosi comes up with this clever plan to pass a $3T bill that will fail -to save all the democrats like Horn that are fixing to get beat in Nov.
Pelosi only did this bill to let the democrats in close races vote no -so they can once again lie and claim to be moderate democrats. The so-called moderates will vote as a mob at 100% on issues that destroy America -such as the proxy vote that would have House members to stay home -even more vacation than they take now.
If democrats lose the House in Nov –than Pelosi is finally retired to the crazy house –for democrats that have failed at destroying America. Yea!!
No need to list the garbage in the Pelosi bill -just sum it up with –if you divide 3,000,000,000,000 by our population of 330 million (330,000,000) you get $9091 for every man, woman, and child in the USA! Or say you average saying each household has 3 persons in it –that would be $27,272 per household. You tell me -would you rather Pelosi democrats be in charge of your $27,272 –or would you just take the cash?!
Of course, beating Horn or any democrat that managed to beat a veteran our of a House seat –will not be an easy task –Bloomberg-Soros-media will come up with some crafty ads before Nov -the closer Horn gets to losing –the more ads will come out -and the more stunts by Pelosi to keep in power –as if America needs 4 more years of the House being a worthless pile of Trump-hating and investigations.
The Intel committee has Adam Schiff as the chairman –Lying Schiff is a worthless excuse as a person -or as an American. The Intel committee is supposed to help with cyber security, seeing pandemics before they come to our country, … -but not when the whole focus is hate on Trump, or Flynn, or whoever dares to question the power of democrats.
This $3T bill -includes funding sanctuary cit!ies, marijuana sales, post office getting $Millions as they deliver junk mail and packages for Amazon and Walmart, ballot harvesting, no more voter registration or ID required, funding abortion, massive prison releases, …
Not really seeing how this fights the virus or helps the economy!



