Roseanne ratings, David Hogg & Cruz are both part of Left Matrix, Pls fire Sessions and Mueller

+Just amazing, people go nutz over Roseanne re-make for TV -when
“Last Man Standing” was 10x as funny, 10x better cast, -actual sincere comments from conservative and leftists –vs the Roseanne way too much fakey stuff for ratings.
Some proof in the fact Last Man Standing never got any recognition -and was cancelled after 2011 thru 2017 –reminds me of one of the best Christmas movies/comedies ever: The “Santa Clause” starring Tim Allen -but Hollywood blacklists the conservative, Christian, common sense, open humor –like Greg Gutfeld.   ok, greg has maybe one of those!

+Laura Ingraham –one more example of a conservative brilliant anchor -that figures a conservative can dance with evil and stay around -NO, you have to call out David Hogg for what he is and stick with it. Hogg spits on the grave of the coach, all 17 killed at Parkland, and all future school killing –by denying the right of this coach or any other teacher to carry the right to protect himself and the loved ones around him. Hogg is a pitiful representation of leftist ideology that is sick, evil, and is hell bent to divide America. Hogg needs to live in Venezuela a few months, or Iran, or N Korea, …, -where gun rights have long been stripped away and evil takes over -but you have to have enough smart to recognize the good from the bad before you can have any common sense to open your mouth.

+You notice Hogg defends the coward sheriff and deputies, etc -anything for the democrat agenda -nothing of substance to stop future shootings –what a pitiful excuse for what happens to kids who get their news from social media and the massive arm of left ideology that will stop at nothing to put gov in charge of everything they can –until America ends up –with open borders, the Mexican president as the US president –and the baggage of all the Mexican prez ties to drug cartels coming with him -how can that not be the end game? My goodness, how could that happen?    Yeah, makes one wonder what the afro-Americans are doing voting for democrats -not gonna end well –as if the drug controlled Dictators elected by Hispanic, Muslims, etc    -being herded in by democrats -will give one damn about afro-American rights once in power   -OR the rights of anyone.   But, hard to   -put all that in 1 paragraph, but you probably get it,   -history proves what I wrote.

+btw, advertisers like Wayfair -dropped support for the Ingraham show -saying you can’t criticize a high school student –what bs -age often has very little to do with who is evil and who is good
-the shooter at Parkland was almost the same age as Hogg  –You can also be in High School and be an evil stoogie for left ideology -and Hogg qualifies -but then again half of America tends to strive to be part of the matrix left tribe of hate, divide, bully, …., (the democrat party of 2018).
I have seen parents of Americans soldiers killed support the evil religion of the Muslim Islamic radical  -just how cruel and ignorant is that of parents to dis-respect the will of their own son.

anyways, there is nothing more cowardly than a punk like Hogg to run and hide in a closet to avoid common sense discussion to fix the problems that cause school shootings, the left ideology of hate and divide and bullying, ….
Nothing more cowardly than a punk like Hogg to use the platform of his dead classmates to push taking guns away from all citizens so more coaches and folks in gun-free zones   -get their brains shot all over the floor.

-you would think anyone with an ounce of character would prefer to see his coach and classmates alive today    -instead of pushing politics for democrats –and there you have David Hogg -one more punk in the matrix for left hate.
All the coach and the kids needed was for this coach to be carrying -and this punk Cruz would have rolled over on the floor bauling
—and lives would have been saved.

+Pls fire Jeff Sessions and Mueller -I love Sessions, but he is too hung up in the detail of the law to be in charge of anything for law and order –if sessions was on a jury -they would never convict anyone for anything!

Mueller is low-life crap -just the fact he has 10 or so Clinton/Obama contributors on his FBI team –and
ZERO republicans on his band of Hate Trumpers -is enough reason this punk should be fired.

Trump should say “Mueller, put up or shut up -you have 30 days to file some charges or you’re fired!   America deserves

more than a special prosecution with unlimited power   –ALL ran by leftist scum democrats    –in the tank to impeach Trump
–democrats damn sure would not have stood for it
-if republicans had  countered with a special prosecutor with a team of trump supporters and contributors –so truth could come out  –would help   –but leftist propaganda seems to keep on winning.  there is the truth -which you will never see in media.

+One last shot before I go –what in the hell is the existence of the FISA Court for?   They rubber stamped every request to investigate anyone and everyone –as if the whole damn system of judges are totally incompetent OR evil as hell.

+FISA Court should be abolished -since they never dis-approve anything OR ever question anything put in front of them….

gotta go, good luck with fighting the left ideology -the control of media over the population is just amazing -tearing down statues, flags, re-writing history, –no recognition of the truth on any issue that matters.

Lawmen protecting schools -only works -if they are not just elected political hacks for leftist ideology (democrats).
A politically elected democrat sheriff and deputies were proven too yellow and cowardly to act –amazing how the truth is buried by left propaganda …
Being out-gunned was no excuse, this punk coward deputy had a bullet proof vest & a shotgun in his vehicle     -and he had no idea what the gunman was shooting -but lies work well for the left.

+Sort of like Las Vegas -sheriff and FBI both had a hand in covering up 58 killed and 500 shot up -all because shooter had sworn over to the Muslim Islamic extreme religion
–which required destruction of evidence in Paddock’s home –supposed to be a burglary -just bs.    Btw, why would there be 6 FBI agents sent to Las Vegas with 58 killed –and 600 FBI agents sent to find the bomber in Texas?    Ok, I’ll tell you -No need for a cover-up in Texas -just a punk that felt the need to get evil and spend eternity in a sad place.

Many of these marching kids are educated leftists with no news outside the leftist social propaganda like fb, Google, yahoo, cnn, … -total punks that spit on the grave of their coach and the 16 others killed that would have been stopped Immediately by a coach with a gun —to take away the right of a coach to defend himself is the act of ignorance, hate, and being led thru life by a leftist ring in your nose, …

see ya,  JayR



