Sheriff Scott Israel and his buddy Scott Peterson should be on trial for being yellow lying cowards –faking roles as having the ability or bravery to represent the Awesome Police of America

just an added note:
[[–the mob rule of all democrats -so many of both parties –and especially school kids laying hate on the NRA when there were armed deputies –at least 1 & possibly many more fully armed deputies, bullet proof vests, –hiding –yes hiding –at the direction of sheriff Scott Israel –and it ain’t training
-training since Columbine shooting in 1999 says in the case of schools –the cop must engage the shooter.
My point is the kids –after 17 killed of their own -should be ashamed of themselves for not demanding the firing of leftist liar –hater of the NRA –cover up worthless punk = sheriff Scott Israel.
Hell, any human being with a soul –including myself -would have went after this evil punk nCruz with a .22 pistol with 1 bullet –to face this coward punk who would have folded up like all punks do -when confronted with getting themselves hurt.

The Scott Israel sheriff dept and the FBI were told several times that Cruz was gonna shoot up a school
-therefore any school kid hating on the NRA -and not going after Scott Israel and the FBI –is shamefully just a leftist puppet for mob rule hate on the NRA and the truth.

The obvious common sense solution –and one that can immediately stop school shootings –is to arm teachers -can be done in any school today -you don’t have to wait anyone. Of course it would take training –but all you have to have to save 17 lives in Florida –is to give the coach a weapon –and that ends it -and 10 or 15 other teachers would show up immediately –without waiting for Scott Israel and his band of cowards to do something but watch the shooter walk right thru them and escaped!!!!
Just amazing that democrats and students say their teachers are not smart enough or brave enough to handle a gun -just freaking amazing!!]]

I don’t have time to deal with haters of life democrats that worship socialist dictator haters of life –they will never care about life or things that matter no matter what the evidence is,
no matter how much the Obama FBI at the top -filled with democrats -hell bent for the cause -never mind if it causes the destruction of America -so they can herd in democratic voters, put all dependent on gov checks, control all media with hate and lies, -well, you get it.
All for the aim of herding in democrat votes, creating hate, chaos, & causing destruction of America in the process –a lot just because the political machines of democrats and republicans got kicked in the butt by d Trump –and democrats and many republicans will not stop at any level of destroying America to worship socialism government control.
but in hope of a few good men looking out for America:

Sheriff Scott Israel and his buddy Scott Peterson should be on trial for being yellow lying cowards –faking roles as having the ability or bravery to represent the Awesome Police of America.

Coward of the year goes to Scott Peterson and his boss and big democrat –sheriff Scott Israel –Israel is big liberal democrat.  Israel was big into lying and cover-up as shooting happened and after –they should both be on trial for being yellow cowards.

btw, more cool news on yellow coward sheriff scott Israel –he had 3 deputies hiding behind cars –as police from a different city showed up to actually get in the school.
Yeah, sheriff Israel is a big hClinton backer, -no damn wonder so good at cover-up, lying, and just being a yellow coward.

btw s, the bernieS supporter –who attacked republicans at a baseball game with a Soviet made assault rifle –who shot 4 –the 4 survived –capitol police cops with pistols killed the attacker –with pistols.

btw, the Las Vegas sheriff and the FBI who investigated -are also up for the biggest liars, cowards, and hide-the-evidence -in American history.  The truth about the killing of 58 at a concert has been forever swept away.  Those victims should sue the sheriff’s a off.

Folks say don’t arm a teacher –if that coach would have had a weapon –the evil nCruz would have been blown away –an appointed armed security guard appointed by democrat Scott Israel hid in the closet to protect his retirement.
Kinda looks like you need to make sure you ask any armed protection at a school –or anywhere –just how do you vote –democrats are proven liars and haters and masters of cover-up, -and much too often –very yellow lying cowards.

You tell me –who would be better to stop a shooting –the coach that you assumed had no ability -or the brain -or the courage
to carry and protect
–OR armed security that will never be found in the first seconds of a killing spree –actions from armed security 5 or 10 minutes away is NEVER going to prevent school shootings.

especially for d, s, b, all democrats, ….
Funny that democrats think teachers have no ability to shoot a guy, no bravery, no willing to fight and defend their kids, -what a bunch of yellow political leftists to  be writing about the soul of teachers all across the nation!
Teachers are so the handicapped bunch –according to democrats and media!

btw d, you have no freaking idea -many of your teachers and friends carry with no one knowing -and will always carry –they don’t rely on the police, FBI, etc,  -who show up just in time to let the shooter walk right by them.
In the cases of every terrorist shooting in America -the FBI, mental health smart guys, etc etc all said shooter was OK!
Good luck with the gov deciding who the bad guys are –for example Mueller and his team of super-leftist supporters -as if they have anything in mind but attacking d Trump and anyone who ever thought about talking to d Trump –worst gov corruption in American history.

Mueller did not pick even 1 republican to be his FBI team to investigate Russian Collusion -You don’t need any more evidence than that to know Mueller team has ZERO chance of investigating the DEMOCRAT FBI bosses INVOLVED in the democrat money and deals to stop Trump!

If I had a team of FBI agents, access to all the obama illegal wire tapping of Trump associates, etc   -and could not end my investigation within a couple of months -it would really be obvious to all I was on a witch hunt.
-Mueller hopes to be carrying on as long as Trump as president -the ultimate power to destroy any life -and you wonder why anyone would want an assault rifle in his gun collection.
Mueller picked all democrats and ZERO republicans for a reason -to protect the corrupt democrats at the top of the FBI -and ruin the lives of anyone who ever talked to d Trump.

To prevent teachers –or anyone -from carrying is a miscarriage of justice -and will cause many more school, concert, nightclub, church, …, shootings.  But there you have the thinking of dictator govwilling to decree who gets to defend themselves and who does not –these are mainly democrats in worship of socialism gov control.

Top Award for Russian Collusion:
The Top Award goes to ALL DEMOCRATS –who backed the Russia/Iran/Assad killing of over half a million in Syria,  and then backed the Russia strategy of sending over a million refugees into Europe and America to spread the hate of the Muslim Islam so called religion  -actually an evil ideology -believing in jihad, caliphate, Sharia law, hate of lgbt, hate of Americans, hate of each other tribe of Islam, hate of anyone opposed to their specific tribe, …  -well, you get it.
The top award for Russian Collusion includes the top award –for just being haters of life –as proven by the lying and hate coming out of their propaganda every hour of every day  –as if school shooting were gonna stop by hating on the NRA, Trump, republicans, Fox, common sense, the truth, ….

No Real American will give up their guns after Obama weaponized every gov agency to attack political opponents  -of course most of you don’t have an ounce of smart on why the original right to carry a gun was conceived  -it was to protect against an evil government wanting to control all the citizens like sheep  -as clearly was the whole purpose of Obama for 8 years –and his placement of political hack judges, FBI, IRA, etc. will probably never be fixed –so America deals with the hell of sanctuary cities, Mexican President and his alliance of drug cartels taking over America, –Yahoo, Google, FB, Twitter, All of media -being the news source for most Americans (all to promote leftist hate, lies, and chaos),  -and the haters are easily winning.

What a Freaking Sick Joke Democrats are –pushing the Solving of Mental Health, Background Checks, Confiscation of guns, Cop in every classroom, Locked doors when a shooting begins (Heaven help the poor kids in the locked room with the shooter –how freaking stupid can democrats be?), ….
The common sense answer -as Trump keeps saying –is arm every 5th teacher –cost effective, can be done at the school level, city level, state level –you don’t  need to depend on Big Brother Obama/Hillary/Bernie/Oprah –Democrat Police State -to come to your rescue  -because they ain’t coming

–in Fla one cowardly democrat armed guard -appointed by a cowardly democrat political hack  -hid in the closet while 17 students were being shot   -live with yourselves –democrats.
Democrats love to hide in closets –Benghazi, Syria, Iran, Russia, N Korea –yeah kissing the ass of Kim’s sister –with zero reporters asking her why she was an evil piece of crap pushing nuclear destruction ahead of feeding her own people,  -oh well, as if the truth is of concern on things that matter.

When N Korea sells a nuclear bomb to terrorists, get put in a container ship and docks in an American port -democrats will say “How did this happen …

Florida kids -many of them protesting are just hate sheep for the left!   Even after losing 17 of their own –they have zero ability to an open mind on a solution to school shootings!! No different than half of the population anymore though -leftist propaganda rules -you can be for America or you can be a democrat.
Media will never ask these kids “Would they prefer their coach have a weapon and protect himself and others -0r Wait for the Gov to Decide wh0 is Good and Bad –and take the guns from the bad guys? Media won’t ask the kids that question because it involves common sense, truth, saves lives, …, -No! We live in the midst of leftist propaganda to divide and create hate.
Lots of good ideas out there, but most would never save lives -the more political the kids make it -the more assurance there is of more bad school shootings.
Florida protest kids are merely typical of so much of America –getting their news from social media (99% left propaganda to create hate and divide –easily manipulated by any outside forces like Russia, Hollywood, democrats, Mexican President, drug cartels, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, HBO, etc –anyone out to create hate and divide in America.
If the coach had been armed with a weapon -at the most –one or 2 kids would be dead today –not 17 –so live with your place in life as a sheep for the democrat party of 2018.
All the gun laws in the world will not stop evil -and for damn sure Obama weaponizing all federal agencies against political opponents has made the top FBI mgmt very very busy with covering up their protection of the bigs in the democrat party responsible for treason to America at the highest levels –None of which would have hit the light of day without Trump being elected president -and thus the all-out hate and lying to bash the few good people left in America.
You don’t need Washington OR Trump to stop evil in school, it can be done easily at local levels -but it would require kids to be more than a mouthpiece for hate. You arm every 5th teacher and you have someone to shoot back with 15 seconds of any violence at a school -and 20 teachers showing up long before any police or swat team –undercover trained guns are the only solution that will work -proven in a neighborhood 100x more violent than any American school –Israel. Of course Israel has better gun and mental health laws than America ever will -because of their neighborhood -and most Israel citizens are drafted into the military -and Israel has a leftist population that may be the downfall of Israel -complicated…
But the point is still clear -strategically arm teachers -and y0u end free reign of killing by anyone seeking the evil of killing people.
Obviously applies to Churches, movie theatres, concerts (Las Vegas massacre was the most incompetent bunch of law enforcement, FBI involvement, hotel security, etc -in our history!) -gun free zones and political correctness will continue to be used to kill citizens until a few good men wake up!
If you think –you are gonna take away guns from Real Americans after Obama has so corrupted the FBI, labeled our police racists, used the IRS to stop political opponents, killed 4 Americans in Benghazi, dismantled the American Military, sucked up to Russia/Iran/Assad aiding the death of so many American Soldiers -and responsible for so many wounded veterans, etc etc.
No, we don’t own weapons to shoot deer –many weapons are to defend our families, homes, businesses, …, -against the coming riots, wars, -those little details that hate, lies, and corruption –always bring.
If gun laws are your solution, then move to Chicago -or anywhere sanctuary cities support gangs and violent crime -good luck.
Let me ask you -what about the coming attacks on a school, nightclub, movie theatre, church, Christmas party, concerts, …, by the Muslim Islamic religion -who believe in jihad, caliphate, sharia law, hate of lgbt, hate of Americans, hate of freedom, hate of anyone opposed to their specific tribe of Islam? These will include bombs and suicide missions that WITHIN SECONDS OR THE FIRST FEW MINUTES -WILL KILL MANY AMERICANS? The pulse of every 5th teacher being armed is a beginning to watch for warning signs and try to prevent the pain of a coach -or an rotc member -OR ANYONE UNARMED -HAVING TO BE SHOT TO PIECES JUST TO MAINTAIN THE INSANITY OF NOT BEING ABLE TO SHOOT BACK -AND PROMOTE VOTERS FOR DEMOCRATS BY HATE TACTICS SUCH AS HATING ON THE NRA.
One more word on Muslims: I’ll start defending them on their Islamic fake of a religion when they turn in their boyfriend or neighbor -whatever -who has a room full of bombs and weapons –and does nothing.
OR maybe speak out against the Russia/Iran/Assad slaughter of over half a million citizens in Syria -all for the purpose of sending refugees into Europe and the US -but all you get are cowards and accomplices among most Muslims -and of course the hiding in the closet by Europe leaders and all democrats in America -every democrat in America is a proven hater of life.
J Richardson



