So the UK is now the leader of the free world –right after Ukraine. With Biden/Obama America coming in as “can’t be trusted”

So the UK is now the leader of the free world –right after Ukraine. With Biden/Obama America coming in as “can’t be trusted”.

So the UK is now the leader of the free world –right after Ukraine. With Biden/Obama America coming in as “can’t be trusted”.

Putting Biden out front to embarrass America is the Obama crew plan to make America worthless as the leader of the free world –mission accomplished! 

#Why does this Biden/Obama crew hate on America?: The Obama/ Biden crew have screamed since 2008 that America is racist and evil and must be taken down from ever being a world leader again -and the proof shows up every day. Every decision Biden/Obama made on Afghanistan was to betray Americans, our allies, and our Veterans -who had won that war (nothing was going on in Afghanistan). Putting Biden out front to embarrass America is the Obama crew plan to make America worthless as the leader of the free world –mission accomplished! 
#Proof the Biden/Obama crew are made up of racists, climate liars, and radical Islam (with special worship for Iran): #Biden/Obama are begging for an Iran nuke deal that gives $Trillions to Iran and Russia -plus assures Iran, Russia, and China of having a stockpile of thousands of hypersonic nuclear missiles –with nothing of consequence in Biden’s budget to catch up in the hypersonic nuclear missile race.    

   #China is the leader in hypersonic nuclear missiles –there is zero defense for this missile. Russia is 2nd and Iran and N Korea are close. If you cared about peace in the world there would be 2$T spent in a warp speed project –for hypersonic nuclear weapons -or America will no longer exist.  

 #America is asking to be destroyed –our hypersonic missile program is behind China by a decade and was not designed for nuclear warheads –which is insane.       #Biden/Obama ended the Trump development of hypersonic nuclear weapons –the only programs still running are trivial to what China, Russia, Iran, and N Korea have. #The only path to having friends in Russia, China, -all over the world is for America to have 2 times as many hypersonic nuclear missiles as China and Russia combined –the only thing evil bullies get is who carries a big stick!      

Democrats are climate liars: The Green party took over in Europe and now half of their energy comes from Russia! Dems stop pipelines in America but approved 2000 miles of pipeline under the Baltic Sea. Such an obvious lie to stop mining, coal, gas & oil in America and then Dems beg the rest of the world for mining, coal, oil & gas  -when American energy and mining  are 100x more friendly to the environment. You don’t eat, drive, have medicine, build or move anything, -without mining, coal, oil & gas.

 #Every drop of American coal, mining, oil & gas lowers inflation, lowers the debt, puts America First, and stops the funding of Putin’s invasion.       #China virus killed 355K under Trump in 12 months and has now killed 660K Americans under Biden/Obama in 15 months: yeah, the media lied. And Biden/Obama still protect China. China provides the Fentanyl –which is the biggest killer of young Americans today. The Dem voter has as much chance of making Heaven as Putin, Stalin, Hitler, or Mao Zedong.

#Hell would freeze over before Biden/Obama allowed Zelenskyy to stop the Russian slaughter in Ukraine: Biden/Obama never sent 1 weapon in 2014 when Putin took Crimea and did not send 1 weapon (which would have prevented this war today) until 2 weeks after Putin invaded. Biden/Obama have still only provided less than 2% of the $85B in weapons gifted to the radical Islam in Afghanistan just a few months ago.

 #Democrat Open Border is the largest slave trade, sex trafficking, drug trafficking in the world: 200K illegals/month funding drug cartels that are killing Americans and illegals -and getting exponential numbers of Americans addicted. Dems award every illegal with a gift bag of cash, free ticket to any city, free health care, cell phone,  education, and a mail-in ballot. The numbers show 20% of America will be illegals in 2024.        

#Dem climate liars: #The countries with crude oil and natural gas will dominate the world: Consumption of crude oil and natural gas has doubled in the last 50 years –and the trend shows consumption will go up by 40% by 2050 –no matter how many $5M wind turbines and solar panels you cover the earth with!     #Biden/Obama have a war going on to stop American coal, mining, oil & gas in favor of foreign dirty coal, mining, oil & gas

#Obvious hate on America by Biden/Obama:
#CRT: Teaches kids to hate their parents and America -and question their sex.
 #Gender: Dems push men competing in women’s sports.
 #Hate on Police: In 2008 Obama said Police were racists and there have been assassinations of law enforcement every week since the Biden/Holder war on Police. As a direct result of the hate propaganda by Democrats and media –America will never have safe streets, subways, buses, events, -and when there is #violence the evil of Kamala Harris types has $Millions to keep criminals out of jail and back on the street.

#Democrats fund Putin: #Putin is still taking in over 1$B every day because the Biden sanctions don’t apply to Russian oil & gas.

#200K illegals/month: Dems compare illegals from all over the world coming for free money –to the 5 to 10 Million REAL #REFUGEES in Ukraine. Every one of the 5 Million people who left their families, homes, everything behind –in Ukraine is a real refugee. The 200K/month illegals crossing the border today is not an immigrant or a refugee –and makes a mockery of immigrants who came in legally -and makes American citizenship meaningless.

#Dems elect radical Islam who hate America -to Congress: #The election of haters of America like the squad to congress is sick –the squad openly supports Iran and the terrorist groups Iran sponsors: Iran is responsible in recent years for over 600 US Soldier deaths from #Iranian IED’s. The #squad supports Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, & the destruction of Israel and America. Iran and Iranian terrorist groups believe the radical Islam version of jihad –which demands that followers kill Americans and eliminate America and Israel. Iranian IED’s have dis-membered most all of those Veterans you see trying to survive. 
#Dems including the radical Islam worshipping squad -were all crying -when Trump took out Soleimani & al-Baghdadi.
#Obama traded 5 Gitmo terrorists for Bergdahl and 4/5 are in charge of Afghanistan today. #Obama brought in a traitor (Bergdahl) to sing praises to radical Islam at the WH with Susan Rice calling Bergdahl a hero.
#Obama watched Christians be-headed and slaughtered and never called them Christians -and never called the murderers by their name: radical Islam.
#Obama created Isis by ignoring Isis as Isis took over 1/3 of Iraq. In 2017 Trump took out 90% of Isis.
#Benghazi –al Qaeda killed 13 Americans in a 13 hour attack as Obama had American forces stand down to get Obama re-elected and protect al Qaeda in Libya. Al Qaeda and Iran’s Hezbollah typically hate each other but join forces when they can kill Americans. #Biden/Obama just imported over 120,000 radical Islam (vetted only by the Taliban). Afghanistan is a culture of Sharia law and Islamic jihad –meaning their religion says to kill Americans -and women are slaves.
#Biden/Obama hate Ukrainians:–Ukrainians are patriots and Christians who would never vote for a Democrat -so Biden/Obama will fight Ukrainian refugees from coming to America.

#Biden/Obama crew hate for America and especially Christians:  #The Biden/Obama Afghanistan surrender killed Americans and left Americans behind –all out of Dem hate for America –nothing was going on in Afghanistan –our Veterans had won that war. #40M Afghans were forced into radical Islam slavery by the Biden/Obama crew. $85B of our best helicopters, planes, armored vehicles, machine guns, night vision weapons, drones, -all gifted to the radical Islam who committed 9-11 –and Biden/Obama have only provided $1B of weapons so far to Ukraine (zero weapons until 2 weeks after Putin invaded).  

#National Security and nuclear war: America is headed to destruction in a nuclear war –too many decades of American leaders signing nuclear and climate agreements that all ignored but America. The #hypersonic missile is 1000x worse than the nuclear bomb –when you put a nuclear warhead on a hypersonic missile there is no defense and it can hit any target in just a few seconds or minutes.
#The only path for world peace: is for America to have twice as many hypersonic nuclear weapons as Russia, Iran, N Korea, and China combined & then Russia would not be bombing Ukraine –instead, -Ukraine would be in NATO and NATO would have meaning –and the world would have some order to it.
#Petraeus, typical of many American traitorsis one more lying tool for Biden/Obama: says Obama/Biden have done all they can for Ukraine –yeah, like not a single weapon went to Ukraine until 2 weeks after Putin invaded, like the sanctions don’t touch Russian oil, the weapons Biden has provided are less than 2% of the $85B gifted to the radical Islam in Afghanistan who committed 9-11. For these Democrat tools to be claiming how great they are while tens of thousands of Ukrainians are being raped, limbs cut off, tortured, citizens trapped under rubble with no food or water, -Biden, Psaki, Obama, Jake Sullivan, Susan Rice, Ron Klain, Kamala Harris, Blinken, Austin, Garland, Yellen, Buttigieg, Granholm, Mayorkas, Greenfield, -are all tools for the Dem party forcing evil on America and the world.

#Biden moves in with a stolen election: Biden/Obama cause the Putin invasion by not sending weapons –but instead says sanctions will deter Putin –the Biden/Obama crew are proven liars. Just the cover-up and lying about the Hunter Biden laptop and eye witness Tony Bobulinski –would have changed millions of votes.

 #Democrat Climate Liars continued: #Dems have used every agency and trick to stop American mining, coal, oil & gas –just to beg the world’s biggest polluters (Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela, ..) for mining, coal, oil & gas. The demand for mining, coal, oil & gas has skyrocketed –demand and consumption doubled in the last 50 years –and in 2050 consumption will be 50% more than in 2022. You can’t make anything or eat without carbon fuel and elements that come from mining.