The Civil War -the only bad slavery -any other slavery must be applauded as Good!

Census.  What is the rush to print a census form?  A census that does not count the number of citizens in America is not a census  -useless and just a waste of taxpayer money!
  Of course, dems have decided that being a citizen means nothing  -dems say if you have crossed the border  -you get equal rights as a citizen  –except illegals in sanctuary cities have unlimited rights that citizens will never get.
  Just ask the dem prez candidates who ALL said they would guarantee health care for anyone crossing the border, –& of course illegals in sanctuary cities commit violent crime everyday and walk free.
  Back to the census, –it is the intention of democrats and the DHM dem hate media to count anyone within the American borders in the census  -which means more senators and house seats in Calif –and federal tax dollars from the middle class all over America going to Calif to support dem policies  -which is good I suppose if you are part of the puppets that follow the hate America media propaganda -that is 95% of media.
  The actual number of illegals in America is close to 60 million –of which about half are not Hispanic, -but come are here as the result of visa over-stays –and whatever.
  btw,  Obama had a great great grandfather who was a slave owner  -so I suppose we should remove all pictures, paintings, statues, -whatever –named for Obama!  Of course, you got more slavery, sex trafficking, human trafficking,  -in Africa today than at any time before, during, or after the civil war.  You have China with internment camps & everyone but trump wants to keep on paying for the slavery in china –with the $500 Billion/year trade deficit.
Anyone for open borders –all dems –is a huge fan of slavery  -this is what the drug cartels major in –but who cares –civil war slavery is worse than 1 out of 3 women raped who cross the southern border of the U.S.  Yeah, if you are IBR ignorant beyond recognition.
  A lot of evil in the killing of 6 Million Jews, all the blowing up of Christian churches all over the world by several different tribes of Muslim Islamic radicals, a lot of evil by the American Civil War with 600,000 Americans fighting brother against brother.

Wonder which is more evil?  –the slavery most of the world had going on during the time of the Civil War  -or 600,000 dead Americans killed fighting for what?  180 years after the Civil War –segregation, prejudice, race riots, …  -were tearing America apart.  Does anyone really believe that killing each other makes us love each other –how stupid!!
but wait!  The only evil or bad slavery was ONLY the slavery IN AMERICA during the time of the Civil War  -ALL other slavery in the world then & now don’t matter  -the only slavery that was bad was the slavery in America during the time of the Civil War.  Yep, let us ignore the ignore the slavery, human trafficking, sex trafficking, 1 out of 3 women crossing the southern border is raped (as reported by Doctors Across Borders), …, -but how can we Vilify the drug cartels?  -the Good Health of the drug cartels are the main talking point for democrats to get control of the vote –for all future elections  -what is wrong with that?

Civil War.   The South –outnumbered and out-gunned in every battle –won every battle –until the end when the north manufacturing base had a 10 to 1 advantage over the south -finally left the south defenseless.  And then the beloved North Union and Lincoln sends the evil of Sherman into the South to kill livestock, burn to the ground homes and farms across several southern states, …  Not so sure a better solution could have been found  -America did not invent slavery  -all of the slaves came from foreign countries.  There were many in America that believed slavery in America could end without war –no matter what the rest of the world was doing –but guess we fixed that question -where we will never know.

have a good week!   J



