The ONLY SOLUTION to the Hundreds of Biden Obama SECURITY LEAKS

There is only 1 Solution to the Biden Obama crew 2008-2016 and 2020-2024 Pentagon SECURITY LEAKS and the thousands of leaks INTENTIONALLY released by this Obama crew to +control propaganda, +create divide, hate, distraction, +and HIDE THE LYING about every issue that matters:
A LIE DETECTOR TEST of each and every one in Government, Military, Congress, Judges, DA’s, the President –anyone on a Gov or Taxpayer Payroll -and repeated every 3 monthswith questions such as:
+Do you put America First? Or do you think the global organizations (all controlled by China) should become American Law?
+Do you or any member of your family take bribes from foreign governments, corporations, -any bribes?
+Have you ever leaked classified information? Have you leaked any information for the sole purpose of your political party?
+Do you put your Democrat Climate Lying Cult before Natl Security?
+Are you a White Supremacist? -which would eliminate zero Republicans,
+Are you a Black Supremacist? -which would eliminate most Democrats. +When did you last party with Farrakhan at one of his Hate Jews, Hate Israel events? -which have been recently attended by Obama, Holder, Hakeem Jeffries, Maxine Waters, and Barbara Lee.
+Are you a member of the radical Islam cult who believe in Sharia Law and Jihad to destroy America?
+Is slavery only evil if it took place in Alabama in 1860?
OR should black slave owners in Africa today like Boko Haram be ignored?
OR should the black slave owners who sent the slaves to America before 1860 be ignored?
OR should the most profitable slave owners in the history of the world -the cartels who control the American border be ignored?
Of course the answer by Democrats is the only slavery that is evil -is slavery in the south in 1860 –which is obvious LYING!!

Evil is not limited to Alabama or black, white, asian, hispanic, indian, -or any color. Slavery should be just as evil in Africa, China, S America, and the Obama Biden Open Border –TODAY –as it was in Alabama in 1860.

Obama supports and funds Iran –who funds Boko Haram -who kidnapped and put into slavery 250 girls from a Christian school and Obama did Nothing -but send plane loads of cash for terrorists to Iran!  

+Someone PLEASE show this Obama crew how to make a simple search -which would have showed the stolen documents were on the world web 5 months ago!! The web site with the leaked info showed up immediately with a search of the word “leak”!  and there you have the Competency of the Obama hand picked Biden staff!!  The First Breach of these doc’s started back in Dec, 2022 (5 months ago).

When you put people in charge based on checking boxes –you not only get Hate America Democrats –but many who will lie any lie -for their cult agenda of climate, unions, racism, greed, or radical Islam.

It is AMAZING how all of media say Biden is just being told what to do —but not 1 person in media will ever show any interest in the Obama crew including Obama and Susan Rice who are running America today!!!!

Asking questions of Joe Biden and staff -on any issue -is a silly waste of time –the definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a COHERENT HONEST ANSWER!!

The Biden Obama crew Pentagon SECURITY LEAKS 4/2023 include:
+The obvious result is no country can trust America –How could any country work with America with Intel Assets when America keeps on BETRAYING our own Intel Assets?! Such as the hundreds left behind in Afghanistan to be tortured and killed in front of their families. Obama, Susan Rice, and the rest of the Obama Biden crew are evil to the core..

The leaks showed the Obama Biden crew lie about EVERYTHING:
+ Ukraine was winning (all Democrats and a third of Republicans were/are LYING),  
+Obama Biden crew Afghanistan BETRAYAL was PLANNED -to make sure China took over our airports, military bases, and equipment, -to keep the radical Islam tribes in Afghanistan free from any American interference -such as getting out Americans, Christians, and those Afghans who helped America.
+Taiwan would be a disaster for America to intervene as even Austin, Milley (Obama appointments) all believe America does not match up to China in the Asia Pacific Region. 
+Obama crew was/is trying to cause civil war in Israel -the same as they are in the US.

What Teixeira did was wrong (stole doc’s to put on a gaming site -not for $Money or to Help an enemy to America). But Teixeira did aid all of our enemies -and is guilty of TREASON -should have never got in our Military if he does not understand the word TREASON.  But what Teixeira did was LAME in comparison to the Biden family taking straight up BRIBES for $Millions from China and other foreign countries SELLING AMERICA OUT —which is exactly why Obama hand picked Biden -because the whole Biden family have been Traitors to America for decades.
The list of TREASON by this Obama crew 2008-2016 and 2020-2024 just keeps getting longer: +Afghanistan, +Ukraine, +Open Border, +CRT, +WOKE, +No Bail and No Jail, +Homeless, +more taxes, +more regulations, +war on American mining, coal, oil & gas +racism +lying to America 24/7 on all issues, +Inflation, ..