UPSIDE DOWN DEADLY WORLD OF 2020! Sorry this is more than the allowed FB mental capacity of 12 words or less, but it’s true.

UPSIDE DOWN DEADLY WORLD OF 2020!  Sorry this is more than the allowed FB mental capacity of 12 words or less, but it’s true.
#1 The 2020 election fraud has forever erased the sacrifice of the fallen American Soldier, our Flag, our Constitution, our right to vote, own guns, free speech, -there is no America today.
I watched the flag pass by one day.  It fluttered in the breeze.  A young Marine saluted it, And then he stood at ease.  I looked at him in uniform.  So young, so tall, so proud, He’d stand out in any crowd.  I thought how many men like him, Had fallen through the years.  How many died on foreign soil? How many mothers’ tears?  How many pilots’ planes shot down?  How many died at sea?  How many foxholes were soldiers’ graves?  No, freedom isn’t free.  I heard the sound of TAPS one night, When everything was still, I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times That TAPS had meant “Amen, “When a flag had draped a coffin Of a brother or a friend.  I thought of all the children, of the mothers and the wives, of fathers, sons and husbands With interrupted lives.  I thought about a graveyard, At the bottom of the sea, Of unmarked graves in Arlington.  No, freedom isn’t free.
You elect thugs to office pushing lies and racism –and you will get the end of freedom in the world –and your hating and lying gets you nuclear ashes where there was once the hope of America.  America has forgot why 9-11 happened, the sacrifice of the pioneer plowing a field with a mule, our kids fighting in foreign wars against the same tyranny that is taking office in Washington today, …
#2 Total BS on Joe Biden not being in jail.  Hunter Biden is a cocaine addict, had sex and drugs with underage girls, is the bag man for many deals selling out America –so what –Joe Biden knew the scams –as proven by an eye witness, computers, phones, text, emails, places, time –anyone else would already be in jail.  Just knock off meaningless spin on investigation of Hunter –Joe Biden ran the scams for the last several decades –any shred of truth would be saying where is the investigation of Joe Biden?  Just the eye witness Tony Bobulinski evidence was enough to send any other American to jail for 20 years. 
#3 It takes a lot of ignorant worship of Hate Media to vote or support Biden, Harris, Democrats, Media, -that blamed America for the 300,000 Americans INTENTIONALLY killed by China.  Biden-Harris-Democrats-Media saying Trump-America killed 300,000 Americans with this China Virus -when to this day China has not allowed any American or legitimate scientists into Wuhan to help with discovering the origins and strains of the Virus that would help with stopping the Virus.  The Chinese Government are 100% responsible for every one of those killed in America –this was a TOTAL ACT OF WAR to separate China as the only super-power -and it obviously worked -with so many traitors to America who are all kissing China’s butt by supporting Biden-Harris-Democrats-Media.
#4 Supreme Court, FBI, DHS, -have destroyed America.  Equal rights under the Constitution -was destroyed forever by this lot of traitorous cowards.  When you take away VOTER ID, -America is destroyed.   When the FBI does not have the common sense to settle the issue by just grabbing select machines in 5 states and giving America the truth.  When the COWARDS of the Supreme Court hide in the closet and says there is NO STANDING to even look at the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud –these are COWARDS and TRAITORS to the Constitution, America, and Life.
#5 Campaign of racist hate by Biden-Harris-Media:  +Obama-Biden spent 8 years screaming Police are racist -America is racist –and now you have Biden-Harris throwing gasoline on that kind of evil lying.  Assassinations on Police have become a weekly event.  Good luck with neighborhoods ever being safe.  This Democrat hate on law enforcement will have consequences.
#6 Open Border and sanctuary city Democrats.  The open border policy of Democrats has created more sex trafficking, killing and molesting of kids, drug cartels moving into America, -this is a growing $Trillion Dollar industry and the Democrats just hide in their closet like it never happens –what a bunch of very cowardly people that continue to kill tens of thousands at the border.  And the latest statistic at the border is a quarter of those coming into America have the Virus.  But I’m sure no one in America will mind $Trillions of Dollars going to fund health care, education, housing, lawyers –for illegals –while Americans have lost their incomes due to the Virus.
#7 Small minds -that are controlled by Democrat Media:  Mark Zuckerberg spent 2020 spending a $Billion plus on rigging the election for Joe Biden. [Amistad Project –Phillip Kline]. Zucker used several tax free organizations to fund the manipulation of the 2020 election to elect Joe Biden –btw, this is against the law. Yep, the voting machines, the mail-in ballots, the ballot boxes only available in Democrat Counties, the software to go in the machines, the handbooks on when and how to steal an election.  Zuck did visit Congress one day and said yep, we will Censor when needed and Steal the 2020 election for Biden –big money always wins –and gave America and the right -to your vote meaning anything –the finger -and went back to his mansions.  Zuck has no clue that a nuclear wasteland is not going to skip his mansions –they will become ashes.  China, Russia, and Iran in their own words –are on a path to take America out –and clearly have the cyber advantage.
On Dec 17, 2020 Russia and others hacked into American companies and even gov weapons programs.  CISA (cyber infrastructure security agency) –says they don’t have a clue how deeply embedded or how to get rid of this malware.  One of the companies involved is –you guessed it –Dominion.  Yet this thug traitor -kraut Chris Krebs said 2020 was the most secure election in history.  Interesting how CISA and the FBI say that don’t have a clue how to stop the hack or how much damage was done –but they know it was Russia.  What bs, China learned a long time ago how to simulate Russian hacking, -plus China brags about working with Russia to hack America’s most vital organizations and companies.
#8 Biden-Harris just spent 2020 approving killing, riots, looting, bullying, and burning down the businesses of our Neighbors -was so important that Biden and Harris even funded the lawyers and bail for these thugs!
#9 Biden-Harris will remove sanctions on Iran and go back into the phony nuclear treaty –this will destroy all 4 of the Peace Accords that Pres Trump made in the Mideast .  Democrats have not seen any real news –so they don’t even know about the Israel Agreements that were setting a path for Mideast Peace.  Biden-Harris will make sure Iran has nuclear weapons that can destroy our Navy and our American Cities.  Only a hater of America and life -would vote for traitorous Democrats.  Good luck with Ignorance First when America is a nuclear wasteland.
#10 Democrat AOC just got the vaccine -31 years old –that vaccine given to an 80 year old with heart problems could save a life –how special you are AOC!
#11 If you give the vaccine to the elderly and with critical health problems –you IMMEDIATELY STOP THE DYING STATISTIC –IT GOES TO ZERO.  Just so many worthless selfish types in the world –members of congress getting the vaccine before those that are at risk?  What a bunch of pathetic losers.  Even young health care workers should probably skip the vaccine –probably no symptoms or very mild symptoms –and from then on –probably immune.  Young people should be real skeptical of long term effects –there are ZERO studies of long-term effects.  Teachers –the same bunch that went on strike? –the statistics on teachers across the world getting covid are the same as the general population.  WalMart proved you can distance and wear a mask –WalMart never did shut down and there has not been any more problem than if people had just stayed home.  Postal Service –your postman handling every piece of mail every day for 6 blocks does not wear a mask -90% of all mail is junk mail in 2020 –you might consider reducing the size of the Post Office by 90%, as if Amazon can’t deliver Christmas Presents –and Amazon, WalMart, -don’t have to be bailed out every year with your taxpayer money!!  But it’s a union-Democrat thing for votes so no hope of change.  Nothing changes for so called essential workers after they get the vaccine –they still have to wear a mask, -they can still carry the Virus and spread it –you can save lives giving the vaccine to the elderly who will die OR you can give the vaccine to your favorite group who are not dying –most under 50 are not even getting sick.  Oh well, common sense is not about to work in 2020. 
#12 Biden-Harris just spent 2020 saying Pres Trump could not deliver on a vaccine & they would not take a vaccine that came out under a Pres Trump administration & Dec 15 they requested to be first to take the vaccine –how special are Democrats?  Ever hear the expression –lying piece of s?
#13 Jill Biden claims work with a Cancer Foundation –per the New York Post:  the Biden Cancer Fund only pays exorbitant high salaries and has never done any research.
#14 Joe Biden is on endless videos molesting kids –pretty sure no one can make it all the way thru these videos.  Democrats have NO defense for Biden’s creepy –if not just plain perverted attachment to kids.
#15 Kamala Harris was the center of hate on the Kavanaugh Family based on psycho liar Blasey Ford who made claims 30 years later with no dates, witnesses, times or places VERSUS Joe Biden accused by Tara Reade who did have witnesses, times and places –even her Mother at the time went on Larry King and discussed the Joe Biden assault on Tara Reade.
#16 Democrats hate on a teenager if he wears a MAGA hat, -Bless Nick Sandman for having patience with a determined professional agitator beating a drum in his face.
#17 Biden-Harris-Democrats changed election rules to take away My Right to Vote -with mail-in ballots and programmable voting machines.
#18 Biden-Harris just spent 2020 saying you are racist if you require VOTER ID.  NO, you don’t have an election if you don’t require Voter ID.
#19 Democrats stand for hating America –rigged the 2020 election with NO VOTER ID and using machines that are easily hacked, easily programmed, access to USB ports by anyone and everyone.  Any person that cares about life in America would be angry with thugs that want mail-in ballots -a guarantee of the dead voting, illegals voting, no signature required, no way to audit an election, no signatures, voting months before and after the election date, ..
#20 Biden has already said he would get back in the Paris Climate scam.  The fact is all countries will be using More Carbon Fuel in 2050 that in 2020.  The Paris Climate Accord did ZERO to stop China from building 300 new Coal Generating Plants in the first 2 years of the Paris Accord -but you will never see that fact on 60 minutes.
#21Biden will drop all sanctions on Russia, China, & Iran –funding their stealth nuclear missiles and domination of the world.  -and now Biden is to be in charge of the free world –how absurd –China owns Joe Biden –just videos of Biden in meetings with China selling out America is a gun to Joe Biden’s head.  The love affair with Democrats for Iran and radical Islam can only be described as evil. The first mission for Iran and radical Islam is to kill Americans –but let’s forget 9-11.  Yes, Saudi Arabia and most all of the Mideast is radical Islam –which is why they lead the world in terrorism and have always been at war with each other.  But never mind, elect a Democrat and de-fund American Military, and play more stupid games of social engineering.
#22 Biden-Harris loading up their staff with thugs on the Chinese Payroll -although the sex life I guess is a plus –Hunter Biden and Eric Swalwell have great videos!!
#23 Rules for all but the Democrats.  My postman does not wear a mask, and postmen handle mail every day for 5 to 10 blocks.  One Postman could pass on the Virus to a hundred people and no one would ever figure it out.  Most of Fed-ex, UPS, Amazon, WalMart, -deliver packages with no mask.
#24 Dominion CEO is a liar –somebody please put this thug under oath.  +On Chapter 11 of the Dominion Manual it says the machine comes up with fractional ballots.  +This CEO claims the machine does not go to the internet –you can plug in a USB drive, re-program the machine to change election outcomes, install malware, go to the internet, -whatever you want.  Dominion machines were studied by cyber experts for the State of Texas –among others –and proved the Dominion machines are too easily hacked into -to be used in Texas or anywhere a citizen is -that wants his one vote to be counted.  Three of the 7 members of the Board at Dominion are Chinese Nationals.  +The guy in charge of Dominion Technology is a guy named Wang with a history of working for companies that were identified as Chinese government fronts.  +Four weeks before the election, -the parent company of Dominion received a payment of $400 Million from a Chinese bank.
#25 Democrats have elected several who support radical Islam like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib –who support riots, killing, burning our flag.
#26 We have been here before.  Under Obama-Biden:  +American Military de-funding under Obama-Biden  +Russia taking over a third of Ukraine  +Iran-Russia killing half a Million in Syria causing Europe and America to follow Putin’s wishes -taking in thousands of radical Islam  +Our American Sailors being treated like dogs by Iran due to Obama surrendering a Navy Military Vessel  +at Benghazi we had Americans under attack for 13 hours and the Obama-Biden crew told American Military to stand down so Obama could be re-elected  +Obama-Biden are obsessed with making Iran king of the Mideast –leaving Iran in position to take over Iraq -negating everything Our Military had done +Biden will restore the policy of funding Iran and lifting sanctions on Iran –Iran will build nuclear weapons and Israel will respond.  +Never seen on network news:  Obama-Biden in 8 years had a net loss of 250,000 manufacturing jobs versus Pres Trump in just 3 years had a net gain of 650,000 manufacturing jobs.
#27 Biden-Harris means no hope for School Choice +No hope for Education Reform in America. –we need more kids with useful skills in math, computer, engineering, chemistry, understanding the meaning of patriotism.  Under 35 today are oblivious to the evil of Socialism, Marxism, -that killed hundreds of Millions of people:  Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Putin, Xi Jinping, Hassan Rouhani, ..  Putin-Iran killed half a million in Syria under Obama-Biden, and Putin took over a third of Ukraine under Obama-Biden –the news media in America today are truly the enemy of Our People –of Our Country.
#28 Democrats believe in America Last policies with this love for joining global clubs that only work to take away American success.
#29 Cancel Culture BS.  When low-life Democrats replace our Military with social experiments –there is no American Military.  The ability to fight, to solve cyber attacks, to be a Navy Seal, to decide strategy to win a war or not –these things are killed dead in the water if you are worried about having the right number of gay, black, blue, green, or red people in each branch of the Military –that would be obvious to anyone with any common sense –but Democrats figure they can win a few votes with lying and ignorance.
#30 The 2020 election fraud has forever erased the sacrifice of the fallen American Soldier, our Flag, our Constitution, our right to vote, own guns, free speech, -there is no America today.
I watched the flag pass by one day.  It fluttered in the breeze.  A young Marine saluted it, And then he stood at ease.  I looked at him in uniform.  So young, so tall, so proud, He’d stand out in any crowd.  I thought how many men like him, Had fallen through the years.  How many died on foreign soil? How many mothers’ tears?  How many pilots’ planes shot down?  How many died at sea?  How many foxholes were soldiers’ graves?  No, freedom isn’t free.  I heard the sound of TAPS one night, When everything was still, I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times That TAPS had meant “Amen, “When a flag had draped a coffin Of a brother or a friend.  I thought of all the children, of the mothers and the wives, of fathers, sons and husbands With interrupted lives.  I thought about a graveyard, At the bottom of the sea, Of unmarked graves in Arlington.  No, freedom isn’t free.

No, freedom isn’t free.