US Military under Obama is a JOKE as US Converts to Electric Vehicles and Woke

Jennifer Granholm (Obama Secy of Energy) was picked by Obama, Susan Rice, Ron Klain, and the rest of the Obama Biden crew (2008-2016 and 2020-2024) –
because she is a lawyer, never had a job in her life, and hates the US Military. Granholm is part of the Obama push to destroy Our Military by FORCING WOKE, CRT, and an All Electric Military.
THERE IS NO ALL ELECTRIC ANYTHING. There are NO planes, ships, tanks, trucks, -whatever -that are All Electric. Even if you could run a tank on a battery for half of a mile -then you have to stop and re-charge for 6 hours! And you don’t CHARGE a battery without a fossil fuel charger! Nuclear power & hydro power have been eliminated by the Obama EPA –and solar and wind have an efficiency of 10% and are not Continuous Power –will always cause blackouts, kill Millions of animals, take up massive amounts of farmland, are not recyclable, require fossil fuel backup, are impossible to maintain, and require massive amounts of MINING including copper! and would NEVER be built without Tax Payer $Trillions of Dollars. Granholm says the same Lies as all Democrats: “Fossil fuel is globally traded and puts America at the mercy of foreign countries”. Yeah, sure -America paid $85 for crude oil the first 2 years of this Obama Biden crew due to the Obama war on American Energy, flooding the oil market with our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, shutting down Pipelines, impossible Regulations, and Weaponization Of All Gov Agencies to STOP AMERICAN ENERGY.
Oil would be $20/barrel today if our Pipelines, Alaska, and our Federal lands (1/3 of America) –were opened up for American mining, coal, oil & gas –AND RAISE OUR STANDARD OF LIVING AND NATIONAL SECURITY BY A MULTIPLE OF 100! The above would also end the Ukrainian war -because Russia and Iran are funding the war with the profits made from the Biden Obama war on American Energy. Climate Liar Cult Democrats have wasted $Trillions to force the Chinese made solar panels, wind turbines, and electric cars on America! & thanks to the $Trillions spent on Climate Lying -inflation went from the Trump 1.4% to the Biden Obama 7% AND mortgage rates going from 3% to 7% AND the Fst quarter Biden GDP is 1.1% -when Trump left office the GDP was at 6.5%.

The cost of going GREEN, WOKE, AND HATE AMERICA -has made a new world order with China Leading The World In Education, Military, And Control Of The World’s Supply Of Mining, Coal, Oil & Gas. Obama on a hot mike told Russia that he (Obama) would dismantle the US missile defense if Russia would help Obama win re-election in 2012.  And today we talk big -like fools -when China has hypersonic nuclear weapons and we don’t.  America does not get to decide when the nuclear war starts -Obama keeps on putting America deeper and deeper into a position to lose a nuclear war without firing a shot. The only deterrence to nuclear war or any war is power -the Obama woke military is 10 years behind China in cyber and hypersonic missiles -this does not end well.

+China is still starting up massive new coal plants every week. but somehow the Democrat woke and ignorant cult climate liars think the destruction of America will help the climate.


This Obama crew is STILL PROTECTING CHINA even after:
+China just killed 1.2 Million Americans with the China Virus
+AND China is killing over 100,000 Americans every year with Chinese drugs crossing the Democrat Open Border
+AND China is the world’s #1 polluter and the numbers go up every year.
+AND China has 4 rivers that contribute over 90% of all plastic going into our oceans!